
The Truth will be Told

I have to say this and I want you to take it very serious. It used to be hard for me to talk about it, but recently I accepted what I am. It took years of trying to be other things. I looked hard and long at the possibilities of being different, but there is no way about it. I am a Nerd. Yes, I know for some of you, it might come off as a surprise, but it is true. I am a nerd and sometimes a geek, depending on what it is. Over all I prefer to be called a nerd; I think.

With that part out of the way, I want to tell you why I wrote this. Because of the new trailer for the upcoming Star Trek movie. I won't go into details, but it keeps getting better and better. Here is a link to it. Enjoy it. I cannot wait.

You better be seated while you watch.

Now that I have shared that, time to go get some bacon...



I was listening to music today while I was driving our delivery car around. I choose the car because I can connect my music device to the radio. It makes the day so much better being able to listen to music you like, and not be limited to what someone else wants played on the radio. Anyways, a song came on that I hadn't heard in a long time. Audio Adrenaline's Undefeated. It got me thinking. I have been through the same things that most kids are put through these days. I will admit, it is harder now with social media making it nearly impossible for a kid to get away from the bully.

I think bullying is a terrible thing. I also see the (very) few benefits from it. For those of us who came away from it with no mental or emotional scars, we are stronger than we were before it. I stood triumphant in spite of what they tried to take from me. I gave them nothing when they wanted everything. Sadly this does not work for everyone.

So many kids are scarred and broken from the beatings, the name calling, the emotional abuse that extends well past what should be the walls of our safe haven. We need to make a stand against bullies. The problem is, the parents aren't willing to get their hands dirty. I am not talking of the bullied kid's parents. I am talking to the bullies parents. We need to bring discipline and respect back to our kids.

I already hear the arguments: "Not everyone has parents." That sadly is true but that doesn't stop the fact that they still should be taught respect and kindness. "You haven't been in foster care, you don't know what it's like." Again, that is true. I am grateful of my parents and my childhood. I have, however, known people who were raised in foster homes, group homes, and the like. It is up to the adults to take a step up. Instead of looking at the kids as easy money or whatever you think, maybe look at them as young humans beings who need to be loved. They still need to be raised with some kind of morals to guide them.

I know one woman, who despite all of the terrible things she has had to deal with, rise above the mess and really want to be a good person. She can see the problems in the lack of discipline in our kids. She came from a broken home, been tossed around, yet she is still a great person and one I am truly happy to call a friend. She is an example of how we can break the system.

I fear the world will continue to get much worse, unless we make a stand now, and start fixing the neglect we have given our children. There are many ways we can try to start this  process, I personally think the best one is to bring God back into our lives. Being a Christian doesn't mean you have to stop doing all the things you enjoy. It means you can do them without fear. The Christian scope is a long term one. If we actually follow the example that Christ set before us, and not the example "Christians" have been showing as of late, things will get much better.

Now that I went rather off subject of what I originally was planning on writing, As I was singing to the song, I realized I am undefeated.So I thought to myself a little poem that I am going to share with you. It is called Undefeated. Enjoy.

I have won fights,
I have lost them,
I have been pushed to the ground
And I got up again.
I have been abandoned,
And bruised,
I have been singled out,
And hated,
I have been bullied,
And been called a joke,
I have taken your words,
And use them for strength.
Because through it all,
No matter my loss,
Regardless of my pain,
I am undefeated.


What would you do?

Today in work we were talking about the eventual fall of the United States. How the UN has it all panned out and it is already being acted on. It's listed out in Agenda 21. But I'm not here to talk about that. We talked about how it is supposed to happen, one part is having police go door to door and take our guns. And when we resist, they send in UN soldiers. And to pay off the debt, they are allowed to take anything they want. Now this is based, I'm sure, in some truth, but if it is all real I don't know and I don't want to know. But it boiled down to our rights being taken and the guys all agree, they will not go without a fight.

What I would like to take a moment to discuss is; Could you kill someone?

That is a tough question. I believe I could kill an animal to survive. But I would feel terrible. I know I would say a prayer for the animal, much like the Native Americans did. But would I be able to kill a person? I have struggled with that question, surprisingly quite a bit. No, I never thought about murdering someone, it was more how I feel I am. I feel I am a viking. I feel like I am left over from that time when vikings sailed the seas and were feared. I feel like I am a warrior, strong and brave, willing to take on any foe with my sword. I feel like I am a Knight, a protector and a guardian of good. But am I?

I do believe I am some of those. But I do not know if I could kill. My friend said he could. It is self-defense, it is not going quietly into the night. I would like to think I could do that. And I might be able to. But I have a feeling that several things could happen to me, none of which I would like.

The first thing I think of when I think of having to kill someone is that the person I am would be gone. I would cease to exist. What would take my place would be a broken person. Someone who has lost all meaning and just exists. He would be an outcast, a shell of what I am now. Or I could break and turn into a killer. Start enjoying the kills and keep on doing it until I die. Or I could make peace with what I did, and the reasons for it. I would be able to do it again but I would be remorseful each time. I hope the last one is what would  happen.

I hope that I would never have to kill someone to protect my loved ones. But if I had to, I believe I could. What became of me is anyone's guess, All I know is that God would help me through it. It is a scary thing to think that we might be heading down the path of a new civil war. But we are a nation of great people, with like minds of freedom. This land would be shattered, but somewhere the American spirit, that part of all of us that make America what it is, would live on. Even if some idiots in the government try to mess that up more than they have already, we will still be here. We will still fight. We will still be free.

God, bless this land and it's people. May we slowly move back toward you. May we come to know you as a nation once again, and be a land who honor you and seek you with all we are. Amen.