
Finding Joy

Below is an excerpt from something I am working on, I thought maybe you might like to read it. Be back soon with a more normal length blog. Also in the meantime maybe check out my YouTube channel and watch what I have been up to in my Minecraft world. 

Finding joy today is hard especially in this current environment. The world tries to push you down with most news stories, feeding you half truths and full lies while forgetting that people do wonderful and amazing things each day for others. But joy is something our hearts need. Whether it's joy from completing a long project in Minecraft, just starting a new one, landing that perfect jump in Grand Theft Auto 5 or seeing a message in an fps that you are actually doing well. "KillianRedXII is a threat... Is now a warlord"

Everyday we can find joy in games, a TV show we watch, or a simple sunrise. Sometimes we can give that joy with a simple comment of thanks or compliment. Sometimes sorrow can open your eyes to see what real joy is. We have things and people to take joy in, but if we put our joy in those things into God's hands, we get back a joy that heals more than just loneliness and pain. We get comfort of our hearts and souls.

When that joy of accomplishments fills you, take a moment and say a quick prayer and thank God. Nothing is to small or insignificant to thank God for. He delights in our delights. Who knows, maybe making God center in your games as well as your life, you'll be in a place to reach gamers looking for something more.

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