
Devotional: He Will Help You

'For I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, who says to you, “Do not fear, I will help you. ' Isaiah 41:13

There is too much pain in the world and too much fear. Every day people are diagnosed with cancers and illnesses. People die in accidents, murders and natural causes, and it becomes more and more dangerous to simply leave your house at all. The world has been turning its head from the good things in life to focus on the death and mayhem instead. We are being taught in the social media, and traditional media, that we should be afraid constantly of everyone else. They are going to hate you for your skin, for your sex and simply because you exist. 

From bible.com

But the people who follow Christ closely know we don't have to be afraid of what comes our way. It is true we will die someday. And for many people it might be a moment of panic and fear, but we are assured that Jesus will be right there with us, ready to bring us into paradise. 

God promised Israel that he will be there for them even when the whole world will be trying to kill them. God remained faithful to Israel even when they were not faithful to Him. As Christians, we have the same promise from God, through Jesus. Jesus will be there holding our right hand in all our times of fear and pain. He will help us in ways we may see and others we won't, but he will still help us himself because he loves us so very much. Jesus will remain faithful to those who love him even in the times we are not faithful to him.

We can face each day with God's assurance on our mind bravely and securely because we know we have Jesus holding our hands.

Lord, as we face the trials of this world every day, give my hand a gentle squeeze when I become afraid. Remind me that you are here and give me the courage to face the world head on and share you with every person that crosses my path.

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