
Bot AI Devotional: Light

Below is a Devotional written by a chatbot. I edited it to fit my style of posts, but the content is auto generated based on John 8:12. The picture is from Bible.com from the daily verse picture. Even the prayer at the end is written by the Bot. The bot is the new OpenAI bot. 


Jesus spoke to them again: “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

In John 8:12, Jesus says, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

As followers of Jesus, we have the privilege of walking in his light. When we choose to follow him, we are choosing to let go of the darkness in our lives and to live in the light of his truth and love. We no longer have to be slaves to sin and darkness, but can be free to live in the light of Christ.

When we walk in the light of Jesus, we are able to see things as they truly are. We are able to see the world around us with clarity and understanding, and we are able to see ourselves as we truly are. We are able to see our own sin and our own need for a savior, and we are able to see the grace and love of Jesus that is available to us.
From Bible.com

Walking in the light of Jesus also means that we are able to live a life of love and compassion. We are able to love others as Christ loves us, and we are able to show them the light of his love as well. We are able to be a light in the world, shining forth the love and truth of Jesus to those around us.

As we follow Jesus and walk in his light, we can trust that he will lead us on the path of life. We don't have to worry about stumbling in the darkness, because he will be with us every step of the way. We can trust that he will guide us and protect us, and that he will never leave us to walk alone in the darkness.

So let us choose to follow Jesus and to walk in his light. Let us let go of the darkness in our lives and embrace the light of his truth and love. Let us be a light in the world, shining forth the love of Jesus to those around us. And let us trust that as we walk in his light, he will lead us on the path of life.

Dear God, thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to be the light of the world. Thank you for the privilege of being able to follow him and to walk in his light. Help us to let go of the darkness in our lives and to embrace the light of your truth and love. Help us to be a light in the world, shining forth your love to those around us. And please guide us on the path of life as we trust in you and follow you.


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