
The Dreaded 'D' Word.

The dangers of World of Warcraft should be apparent upon log in. Messages flash across the bottom of the loading screen, "Be nice and maybe you will get invited back." "Take all things in moderation, even World of Warcraft." What they should have on there is, "Don't get close to people, because that's how drama happens."

I have seen several times, people who play a lot getting close to each other until there is an eruption and pain, then the guild splits. Sometimes the split can kill the guild, other times it is just losing a friend. What I realized is happening is the same thing that we deal with in high school. Drama. Sadly I see it happening all the time.

But I wonder why drama finds its way into things like World of Warcraft. Partly, and this may offend some and for that I am sorry, I think it is because the people who play are rather immature to a point. I am not saying they all are, nor am I saying that it is a bad thing. I think we all have a similar bit in us, we want the escape, the fun of a different world, just to play.

I really do think people should learn to play as adults as we did children. Not to the point where we start to mess things up, but to go out, with nothing more on our minds but to play. I think it would help creativity in the work place because our imagination is working again. It would give us more productive people and give us a lot more happier people than if we never played.

I think WoW gives us the chance to do that. And any game for that matter, whether you play Battlefield, Sims, those dumb, I mean fun, Facebook games, Halo, Gears, or CoD. It is a chance for us to let off some steam, clear our minds, and shoot things. It gets us out of the daily grind and into something that enables us to be kids again.

And people like us, we have a bit of immaturity in us. We feed it and play with it, all the while we play the games. So we find ourselves in places where we act like children. Most of us that play behind screens all the time, find it easy to be more of ourselves than we can in real life. So we begin to act immaturely.

This is not always the case, sometimes it has to do with wanting to fit in. Which is something I think everyone can recognize in life. We are always wanting to fit, be accepted and belong. So when things are going good, it is fine, but when things start to go bad, we find the drama begins again.

I have been part of the drama before. I have been participant, and second party to it. I have tried to fix it, and help move on from it. I don't really mind it until I take it out of the game. Then I turn to my friends to help me leave it behind. Drama isn't something people normally want, but as long as I can help make things better for people, I am OK with it.

There is one cure I can think of for drama. That is a relationship with Christ first. As I have mentioned before, if we let ourselves be open to God, keep our communication to God open, and remember he is always with us, then the drama doesn't get in the way so much. I know it seems like a stretch to say that. I can even hear you asking "How can God keep drama away?"

It is kinda of hard to explain, but I will try my best for you. Drama is created when you put your feelings, your thoughts, your heart even, before other people. You get these feelings in your heart and they take you over for a time. Then they find the object of your feelings, and begin to slowly tear a hole in your relationship. I have seen it happen first hand. Once the tear is complete, drama has been spewed all over the ground, and all you have left is a broken husk that was once your heart.

If we want to keep this from happening, We need to make sure God stays at the center of it all. If you put God first and foremost in your feelings, thoughts and heart, the result is an overflowing amount of love. Instead of twisting the feelings into black roots, they spring forth with a brilliance only God is able to shine. God will link your relationship with chains holding it together. And what you are left with is a bright and glorious beacon that is your heart.

It is really hard to do and I hope that all made sense to you. If God is your center, then everything in life will be easy. That's not to say you wont have hard times, you wont be rich, you wont be famous, but you will always have the strength to keep going. Foot after foot after foot, He will keep you moving forward. Ours is not a hope of flesh and blood, but a hope of a future with God. It is a better hope than all the hopes of this world.

I have recently seen drama effect my guild. There is more hurt from the aftermath and more pain. But God is working constantly through it all. He is moving people to where he wants them. Putting words of comfort and happiness where they are needed the most. Drama weakens the links between everyone in the guild. But weird thing is, when God has healed the wounds, what is left is stronger and better than before. Sometimes drama can act as pruning. The fruit of the guild will be sweeter and better than years before.

Seeing God work his will with the people involved, there is a song that comes to mind. I recently found this band through another band I listen to. The band is called Quiet Science. I have to say I love them, and I plan on talking more about how great music is but for now, I will say that their music wraps me up and holds me and aligns my brain to something God can use. They have a song called Cumulus. The part that reminds me of the drama and the aftermath that is slowly beginning to glow brighter is this.

"If everything was as it should be,
I'd be standing there with you,
Beneath cumulus clouds that,
Surround the full moon.
The only thing that comforts me,
When I watch my world breaking,
That in spite of my stillness,
God you're still moving.
Oh, God you're still moving."

Since God is still moving despite the drama we have caused, despite the depressions, the angers, the hatreds, and the silence we create, we are greeted with comfort, healing, peace and love. God is good and amazing being able to take our worst moments and make them bright, wonderful and glorious. In the end, drama is just another causality of God's greatness.

Sorry for no picture in this one, I just couldn't find anything that was just right for this blog.

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