
Devotional: Brevity

Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.
Psalms 90:12

From bible.com
As someone who is getting closer to middle aged than his childhood, I have come to realize how fast life moves. One moment you are graduating and becoming and adult. You have a bright outlook on life and excited to move forward. The next you are comfortable in your job, doing the same thing day in and day out, and twenty years has past and you are still trying to figure out what you should be doing with your life. Life is short. Sure we have eighty to ninety years of it, but compared to the age of the earth that's nothing at all. Compared to God it is not even a blink.

When we take a moment to look at how short life is, we should also take a moment to realize we need to start living every day. Not letting day after day go to waste as time moves ever forward. When we accept that life is short and we will live in each moment of it, and live fully, we will step out and live a real life. A life filled with God and family. Again, life is short and we need to share Jesus with as many as we can because we never know how little time we might have left.

Lord, help me to live each moment for you, and live it to the fullest. Let no minute of my life be left to waste while there are still people who might not know you.

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