
Devotional: His Love Remains

For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken,” says the LORD, who has mercy on you.
Isaiah 54:10 NLT

From bible.com
I have never been one to like change. I like comfort and ease of mind, not upheaval and uncertainty. But I am aware that things have to change and that things are changing all the time. Even the face of the earth is changing every day. Tectonic plates move, earthquakes tear scars into the land, mountains erode while hills become mountains. Only one thing never changes, God.

Though everything around is may come crumbling down. The mountains turn to dust and the rivers dry up, God is still there. His love has remained the same and he continues to pour his blessings on his people.

We should give up the comfort and ease of mind in our lives and place it all on God. With the assurance of God we can face the upheavals and uncertainties. We can face whatever the world throws at us and all of our weaknesses will show the world how great our Lord is. In our present sufferings, God is shown the strongest of all. God is our comfort and ease of mind. His love remains.

Lord send me your comfort today as I go out into an uncertain world. Remind me of your promises and your love every time I doubt. If the world were to end today, I take peace in knowing You.

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