
Devotional: Faith

Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.
Hebrews 11:1 HCSB

Faith is something all gamers should have, and usually in abundance. We often follow games across their series, like Halo and Call of Duty, or we are often followers of a publisher, or developer, like Nintendo and Square Enix. We approach a game from its respective source with an assurance of a great game.

From bible.com
It is true though, not all games will deliver and meet the high expectations that we put around them. However, there is one who has never let you down, never broke a promise, and can meet any expectations you have. God, through salvation in Jesus, has given us the greatest expansion there ever could be and we are invited to be there, free of charge at it’s release.

The second coming is drawing closer, but still we know not the time nor the day, month, or even year that it will come, but nevertheless, it will come. Like so many other developers, It comes when it is done.

Today ponder one question, Will you be prepared on launch day?

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